General Overview
PSHE lessons aim to create an inclusive and relevant curriculum that fosters emotional literacy. We have developed a rich and engaging curriculum that prepares children for real life experiences and an interconnected world. We aim to promote collaborative working skills, confidence and experience in social situations and with real life scenarios so that student can manage issues when they encounter them in their daily lives .e.g. knowing when to seek help. This is achieved through a specialised curriculum that is tailored to the needs of individual students and builds on the learning and skills developed in the previous topic. The curriculum is designed to support students communication skills, vocabulary, strategies and confidence and embeds awareness of online safety.
Key Stage 3
Students during Key Stage 3 PSHE develop a range of skills linked to relevant topics of study. Theses topics are grouped by theme based on topical and relevant issues e.g. The world we live in which covers topics such as tasking care of our home and environment. The curriculum is careful designed to meet the National Curriculum specifications and to develop life skills which prepare the students for the adult world e.g., understanding the influence of information and media on body image. Opportunities are provided through the ks3 curriculum to develop interpersonal skills such as responsibility, positivity, self-reflection and contribution to group activities.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 in PSHE students continue to build on the skills developed in KS3 and re-visit the themes of learning from KS3 at an enhanced and progressive stage of learning. The KS4 lessons are personalised to relevant topics of study based on key issues and the National Curriculum specifications of study. The curriculum continues to develop life skills and delivers aspects of career education. The lessons are designed to support independence at varying levels and provide opportunities to build on and develop interpersonal skills such as awareness of their individuality, daily personal living routines, decision making, positive interactions and recognising and celebratory success and achievements in our lives.