
Safeguarding Our School Community

Safeguarding our children & young people and promoting their well-being runs through the heart of our practice. Our schools ethos, values and beliefs place the well-being of our students at the forefront of all we do.


Policies and systems such as: Safer Recruitment, Relationship & Behaviour Management, Access to the Curriculum, Health & Safety within the school, on trips and visits, Child Protection and our Whistleblowing Procedures all support, promote and sustain a safe learning and working Environment.


We believe that the welfare of your child is paramount. We expect all staff, advisory board members, volunteers, visitors, students, parents & carers to share this commitment to safeguarding everyone within the school community.


We listen to our students and take seriously what they tell us. All school staff, volunteers and advisory board members are trained in child protection and safeguarding. Our students are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns.


Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical / emotion harm or neglect and are required to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) (DSL’s).

The procedures that we follow are in-line with Government guidelines and the Local Safeguarding Board.


The school adheres to the following Department of Education Safeguarding documents

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023

GSWP Feb 2022

The Prevent Duty 2015


Child protection is part of safeguarding and activity carried out to protect children or are suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm. The school has also adopted a Child Protection Policy in-line with this for the safety of all.


We have a detailed Child Protection Policy which explains the procedures that the staff must follow in order to protect our children.

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2023

KCSIE 2024

KCSIE 2023

On rare occasions our concerns about a child may mean we have to consult other agencies. We will ensure that all concerns are discussed with parents & careers first before any referrals are made, unless we believe that this may be contrary to a child’s welfare.


We support our parents & carers by keeping them up-to-date with safeguarding issues within the community and any wider issues that may effect the well-being of their children such as online safety, use of social media and peer-to-peer relationships.


We welcome and invite families to share and discuss any concerns they may have with our Designated Safeguarding Team


Tel: 0208 840 9099


Designated Safeguarding Lead & LAC: Zoe Poullos
07943 078286


Enrichment & Well-Being: Beata Watson
School Pastoral Student Engagement : Elliot Sims
Online Safety and Surveillance: Michelle Ezekwe
Family Support (H.O.P.E.): Donna Bell


If you are worried or concerned that a child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse, or, you are worried that a child may be at risk of suffering harm you should contact Ms Poullos. If you think a child is in immediate danger call the police for assistance.


Alternatively, you can contact the Ealing Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).