Pupil Premium (“PP”) funding is money allocated by the Government to provide additional support for children from low-income families, children in care, or those who have parents in military service. This is done because, nationally, there is evidence that students who fall into these categories achieve less well compared to other students. The additional support is intended by the Government to enable schools to close this achievement gap.
Money is received based on the number of children in each category, together with the level at which payments are set by the Government on an annual basis.
Student Premium funding is allocated to independent schools at the discretion of the students Local Authority.
Insights School takes its responsibilities for ensuring the progress of all students very seriously. The intention is to allocate PP funding to help ensure that all groups of students make outstanding and comparable progress.
- To address identified inequalities in progress between groups of students whilst ensuring that all make outstanding progress.
- To raise attainment and maintain improvement for students entitled to the PP.
- To raise the self-esteem and career aspirations of these students through targeted pastoral support, enrichment programmes, extra-curricular activities and alternative learning programmes.
Targeted additional support strategies resulting in every student:
- Maximise progress so that every student makes at least expected progress and many make more than expected progress
- Maximise attainment
- Have full access to the curriculum
- Have full access to pastoral support
- Access extra-curricular provision, enrichments programmes or alternative learning programmes.
Currently, students’ attainment is assessed in relation to the National Curriculum programmes of study, and students are awarded levels on the National Curriculum scale to reflect their attainment.
- Figure1: Age of child related to year group, Key Stage & expected attainment.
Typical age of child (years) | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
National Curriculum Year Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Key Stage | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||||
Expected National Curriculum level at end of Key Stage | 4 / 5 | 5/6 | |||||||||
New GCSE ( 1- 9) | 1 – 2 | 2 – 4 | 4 – 5 |
Insights School and Skills Academy hold regular subject assessments across all year groups to provide and monitor student progress and attainment. This data is carefully analysed amongst a range of ‘groups’ to determine the best interventions for all Insights students.
Student Premium Expenditure 2022-2023
The amount of student premium entitlement per Primary students for 2022-23 is £1385 and £985 for Secondary students. Using the Ever 6 formula database, Insights School is eligible for approximately £113,270.00 based on an estimated 47 students. However, as an Independent Specialist School it is at the discretion of the Local Authorities and currently Insights has received £9640 of this allocation.
The school therefore, in the absence of the full PP uses its resources effectively to ensure that targeted students are provided with:
- 1:1 booster sessions in English, Maths and Science has been focused on Key Stage 4 to improve examination grades and in Key stage 3 &2 in order to narrow the gap lower down the school.
- Further developments and support programmes which are improving learning in the curriculum, improving social, emotional and behavioural aspects. These include; extra-curricular activities, developing the school’s enrichment programme and alternative learning pathways with the primary focus of raising students’ attainment and engagement.
- Resources and equipment to support students interests and post-16 pathways.
The school recognises the importance of high quality teaching and learning in ensuring that all students, achieve to the very best of their potential. Interventions include the following:
Improving learning in the curriculum
- Continued additional staffing in Maths and English to facilitate smaller classes
- Key Stage 2, 3 & 4 one-to-one intervention provided in English, Science and Maths for underachieving students
- Revision classes across a range of subjects including English and Maths on after school and during school holidays
- Overseeing appropriate interventions and monitoring underachieving students specifically with one-to-one support and ensuring students participate in a range of activities
- The development of the E.A.C.H programme to support and encourage students who find it difficult sustain their attendance or who, because of behavioural or emotional needs, require a change of learning environment and approaches.
Improving social, emotional and behavioral aspects
- Discreet social and emotional support provided for vulnerable students
- Partially funding the employment of an extra therapists and support staff
- Anti-bullying initiative targeted at all vulnerable groups
- Funding residential and international school trips for most disadvantaged students
Enrichment Programme
- Developing the school’s enrichment programme to improve students focus, motivation and engagement
- Delivering activities that involve development of social skills and life skills for preparation of adult life and employment
- Funding camping and hiking equipment for DoE excursions and activities
Alternative learning pathways
- The ALP has supported students who are at risk of disengagement. A variety of alternative curriculum options is offered to them, either as full-time placements, or to give a vocational option each week as an addition to the school timetable.
- Students have been supported in the following vocational areas: long term work experience placements; Hairdressing & Barbering, construction and motor vehicle maintenance.
- In addition, students have been provided with one-to-one tutoring sessions in English and Maths, with the addition where necessary of personal self-development coaching.
Evaluation of impact
A number of students in particular benefited from this intervention in 2022/2023. These students would not have achieved, had they followed the traditional school curriculum and the additional funding raised independently by the school to support the Alternative Learning Programme was invaluable in providing these students with an alternative curriculum and progression route to the next stage of their education career.
This intervention clearly worked best when students and parents were clear of the pathway being followed and there was regular monitoring from the school.
Areas of focus for 2023-2024
The area that will be addressed for the next academic year relates to continuing to track, support and progress monitoring of students who are vulnerable and have; a lack of social skills, mental health and well-being needs, have difficulty interacting appropriately in unstructured times of the day, i.e. breakfast time, break time, lunch time and home time. This programme will support targeted students across all key stages. We will also focus on the Covid skills gap and long-term emotional impact that we have identified.