Enrichment & Clubs

Alternative Learning and Enrichment

The Alternative learning & Enrichment programmes enable students to experience a range of activities that enrich and enhance their learning.  This holistic approach to learning enables our students to achieve and excel both academically and socially as well as developing their individual talents and interests.


The Alternative Learning and Enrichment programme is carefully designed to challenge and stretch students by providing new opportunities that broaden their horizons, increase their range of skills, enabling them to reach their full potential.


Key Stage 3

Within the younger key stages, the focus is on development of personal and inter-personal skills through activities. This has been achieved through, fishing, orienteering, water sports, team building sessions, Martial Arts, Nature and other outdoor pursuits.


Key Stage 4

As the students get older the emphasis turns to preparing them for the transition into adulthood with more emphasis on vocational, independence and life skills through individualised and small group activities. An e.g. accredited; cooking, food, hygiene & nutrient, motor mechanics, construction, hospitality, animal care, sports coaching and training placements for students who have expressed an interest in vocational learning.


All of the ALP and enrichment programmes are mapped to selected ASDAN and other relevant qualifications.  This enables Key Stage 4 students to develop an accredited portfolio of work within Independent Living, Personal Finance, Vocational and Citizenship areas.