Careers Programme
The careers lead is Marcus Watson who can be contacted on: 020 8840 9099 or email:
The careers programme begins for student in year 8 and continues through to Key stage 5. The connexions adviser meets with all students starting in the summer term to being the process of considering their career options and the pathways they may wish to take in year 9 in preparation for key stage 4.
The Connexions adviser and the pastoral team offer a range of classroom based learning as well as visits to colleges, training providers, universities, and different industries. Students are also supported in exploring their interests and skills match to areas of potential employment. The programme includes; Job seeking, research, CV writing, interview skills, personal finance, time management, travel skills, independent living and emotional intelligence and effective communication skills. Students are also assisted in making applications for courses, apprenticeships and employment.
Students access to the programme and their progress is recorded, tracked, reviewed and shared with the relevant professional as appropriate.
The Information, advice and guidance (IAG) sessions provide support for both students and their parents/carers.
Please refer to our policy for further details