- Are you a parent / carer of a child or Young person with special educational needs or disabilities aged 0 – 25?
- Are you a young person with special educational needs or disabilities?
If so please contact Donna at the IASS service who can put you in touch with one of our advisors. IASS stands for Information Advice and Support Service. We provide confidential, accessible advice, guidance and support to parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and young people with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities aged between 0 and 25 years old.
YouTube Video by Nasseonline – What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
Our IAS Service delivers the service to local residents in the Hammersmith and Fulham area. We were formerly known as the Hammersmith & Fulham Parent Partnership Service which provided PPS in the borough from 2009. Our service promotes good working relationships between parents, nurseries, schools, colleges and other educational settings and the Local Authority.
YouTube Video by Watch CDC – IASS for Parents; Who are They and How can they Help?
We aim to:
- Ensure parents and young people understand everything and can fully participate in the EHCP process by explaining how the EHCP assessment process works.
- Empower parents/carers and young people to play an active and informed role in education and the assessment process.
- Promote and increase parental confidence in the EHCP process.
- Support and guide parents/carers, their children and young people through the assessment process.
- Promote positive outcomes between parents/carers, schools, colleges and Local Authority agencies.
- Ensure the views, needs and wishes of parents/carers, children and young people are included in the EHCP assessment.
YouTube Video by Watch CDC – What is an Educational Health Care Plan and Who are they for?
We will provide:
- An individual drop-in service for parents/carers.
- Support at meetings and empower parents/carers to express their views/concerns about their child’s needs and progress.
- Support and assistance to draft letters and any other supporting paperwork.
- Check EHC plans with parents/carers to ensure that objectives and outcomes of the special education provision meet the child/young person’s needs.
- Clear information to parents/carers and young people about access to the Local Authority’s ‘Local Offer’, how it is used and its availability.
- Information on other organisations, groups or specialist services if further support is required.
We will not:
- Contact other people in your behalf without your prior consent.
- Pass your information on to other organisations without your agreement.
- Make decisions on your behalf.
- Attend meetings to provide reports in your absence.
- Provide transport to/from meetings (except in exceptional circumstances).
Minimum Standards
YouTube Video by Council for Disabled Children - How IASS Must Run to Meet The Minimum Standard.
The IASS team is staffed by advisors who have experience across the sectors;
Education, Health, Social Care, Post 16 and Community Engagement.
Who to contact
Office Telephone: 020 8840 9099 (Option 2)
Mobile: 07931361204
E-mail: IN-IASS@insightsesc.co.uk
Website: https://www.insightsesc.co.uk/iass/
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Insights Information & Advice Support Service
1 Craven Road
First Floor
W5 2UA
Consultation on the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme in Hammersmith and Fulham
Hammersmith and Fulham Council are in the process of recommissioning the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme. This currently consists of two services; health visiting and school nursing.
We want to hear views from parents, carers and young people as well as health, social care, education professionals and other stakeholders on how you think the school nursing and health visiting services are working currently and what they should look like in the future? By telling us what you think of school nursing and health visiting services, including how they are working currently and what they should look like in the future, you’ll help us better understand and inform the design and delivery of these services going forward.
In the link below you will find a set of questions for professionals and for the users of the service.
Spread the word! – We are keen to hear from as many professionals, families and young people as possible. You can help us by sending the link to other professionals, staff, parents and young people you know: https://0to19healthychildprogramme.commonplace.is/
Advice and Support
The following websites and links offer more information and guidance on SEND rights and support in higher education
- All about Information Advice and Support Services – Open Link
- Disability Rights UK – A Guide into Higher Education – Open PDF
- Equality Act 2010 – Open PDF
- Understanding the Equality Act – Open Link
- How the Equality Act might affect you – Open Link
- UK Government Support and Advice – Open Link
- UK Government Support and Advice – Children between 5 to 15 – Open Link
Términos y exención de responsabilidad
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